Candy Crush Jelly Wiki
Poprock 5

Poprock is one of the blockers in Candy Crush Jelly Saga. It first appears in the 433rd episode, with first being level 8446.


Level 8446


  • Poprock occupies one square and is stuck until cleared.
  • It can be broken by making candies adjacent to it, matching a color bomb with a regular candy (or candies) next to it or through any special candy's effects reaching the poprock. This procedure needs to be repeated as many times as there are more layers.
  • When the last layer of poprock is cleared, it will remove one layer of poprock next to it.
  • Color bomb + color bomb combination can take off one layer of all the poprock. Color bomb + coloring candy can strip all layers of the poprock.


  • This is currently the last blocker introduced in this game.
  • It has precisely the same properties and images as Poprocks in Candy Crush Friends Saga.
  • The effect of the poprock when it is cleared does not affect to other blockers and candy next to it.


v - e
Liquorice Lock Cupcake5 Liquorice Swirl Fishing Net 3 Jelly cube 1 blue Wiggling 3 Cotton Cloud 1 Candyvore4-4leaf Liquorice link 4 Liquorice link 4 yellow Bubblegum Pop 3 Poprock 5