Candy Crush Jelly Wiki
Candy Crush Jelly Wiki
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Liquorice Swirl

Liquorice Swirl (also known as liquorice wheels or licorice swirl) is one of the blockers in Candy Crush Jelly Saga. It first appears in episode 3, Strawberry Sunrise, with first being level 41.


Level 41(2)

Liquorice swirl

Level 43(5)

Locked liquorice swirl

  • Liquorice swirl looks like a swirl of black liquorice and a dot of cream in the middle, taking up an entire square.
  • It is an invasive blocker. It competes with other candies for vacancies on the board.
  • It is one of the only blockers that can be clicked on and switched with candies, but not matched.
  • It can be disposed of through breaking the candy next to it, or any special candy's effects through it.
  • They are resistant to special candies. If a striped candy, wrapped candy + striped candy, or candy fish + striped candy's effect hits a liquorice swirl, it will get rid of the blocker but won't get rid of any other candies or blockers beyond it.
  • If liquorice swirls are on double frosting, it will turn into single frosting when liquorice swirls are removed. If they are on single frosting, they can remove it.
  • Color bomb + color bomb and color bomb + coloring candy combinations can clear all liquorice swirls at once regardless of its resistance. Color bomb and coloring candy cannot combine with liquorice swirls.

For the list of levels with this blocker, see here.


  • This is the second blocker to have liquorice, the first one being the liquorice lock.
  • This element is the same as liquorice swirl in Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga and Candy Crush Friends Saga.
  • Occasionally, liquorice swirls might be under liquorice locks. In Candy Crush Saga, the player have to hit it with a special candy to remove the lock, while in Candy Crush Soda Saga and Candy Crush Friends Saga, the player just makes a match next to it. When the lock has been destroyed, remove the swirl as usual.
    • However, after the release of Ice Cream Archipelago, the player can completely match candies next to them to remove liquorice locks without using special candies. However, it was fixed a few days ago.
  • If a liquorice swirl is under a liquorice lock, it does not have any special candy resistance, while when the player frees the swirl, it has as usual. This happens every Candy Crush game except for Candy Crush Saga, where the swirls keep their resistance even if locked.
  • If you match a color bomb with a liquorice swirl, it would make the sound like it was going to activate, however, it doesn't do anything.


v - e
Liquorice Lock Cupcake5 Liquorice Swirl Fishing Net 3 Jelly cube 1 blue Wiggling 3 Cotton Cloud 1 Candyvore4-4leaf Liquorice link 4 Liquorice link 4 yellow Bubblegum Pop 3 Poprock 5