No Swearing.
- Mild and moderate profanities allowed.
- Moderate profanities not to be overused.
- S-bomb, F-bomb and C-bomb not allowed.
- Allowed: What the hell is this crap? This is pissing me off!
- Censored swearing is allowed e.g. F*** this s***ty level!
- Not Allowed: Uncensored swearing.
- Ranging from a warning to 2-week ban.
- 2 month ban without warning for C-bomb.
- Severe reputational harm.
- Permablock for severe, repeated instances.
No racism or insulting others
- No Racism.
- No generalising a certain race, country or sexual orientation.
- No racist or offensive language.
- No insulting conditions such as Autism or Bipolar.
- [Insert Country] people are so weird!
- This level is so gay!
- Long hair is gay!
- This level is my n*g.
- Warnings at first, followed by blocks.
- Possibly instant blocks, depending on severity.
- Reputational harm.
No Vandalism.
- No inserting false information.
- No inserting speculations to articles.
- No blanking out pages or removing content.
- No changing other user's profile pages or sandboxes.
- No spam edits.
- April Fool's Day is NOT a justifiable time to vandalise.
- No troll-voting on polls.
- Editing your unofficial speculations into an unreleased episode page.
- Removing all the contents of a page or certain parts for no apparent reason.
- Blanking out another user's profile page or adding abusive messages.
- Adding curse words to pages.
- Making spam articles and edits.
- Voting "Very easy" on a difficulty poll for a level that clearly isn't Very easy.
- Almost always an instant block, ranging from at least a day.
- Permablocks can be given if vandalism is severe and repeated.
- Extreme severe reputational harm.
No Extreme Content.
- No rude, gory, pornographic or extreme videos, images or links.
- No inappropriate profile pictures.
- Posting a link to a pornographic website.
- Profile picture or posted images involving genitalia.
- Posting videos or images that contain uncensored swearing or rude content.
- Posting gruesome images or videos.
- Warnings for milder content.
- Warning to remove content within 30 minutes.
- Failure will result in a day block to months depending on severity.
- Reputational harm.
No Rudeness or Slandering.
- No swearing at other users.
- No insults or name calling.
- No threatening other users.
- No spreading untrue rumours about other users/slandering.
- No rude jokes against anyone, even if intended as a joke.
- Saying "Just Kidding" or "No offense" doesn't make it not rude and punishment will still happen.
- Don't abuse friends lists on your profile page.
- Enemy lists are banned.
- Absolutely no systems involving any form of rating of other users is allowed.
- "Revert my edit or I will kill you slowly and painfully!"
- "No one likes you. Go kill yourself and hopefully then rot in hell. It would improve the world. Loljk".
- "F*** you all!"
- "[User] has sockpuppet accounts and is out to vandalise this wikia!" (with no proof).
- Backchatting a user.
- "You are a nub".
- Putting someone onto your "Enemies" list to spite them or ruin their reputation.
- Adding a section on your profile where you rate users out of 100.
- Swearing at others will warrant a long block of 2 weeks.
- Insults will result in a warning to block depending on severity.
- Slandering is more serious and will result in a block of 1+ days.
- Mild to severe reputational harm.
- Severe, repeated events could eventually lead to permablock to protect the wellbeing of others.
No Harrassing Other Users.
- No personal threats.
- No asking inappropriate, intimate questions.
- No cyberdating or bullying.
- Asking personal information repeatedly.
- "If you don't revert my edit I will come round your house tonight and murder your family!"
- "Want to cyberdate me?"
- Replying with offensive messages to a user's every action or comment.
- Stalking a user.
- Spamming chat PM whenever the user is online.
- Harassment is delt with very seriously.
- Very long blocks (months/years) for severe cases.
- Instant blocks for even mild cases.
- Permablocks if repeated/severe.
- Extreme severe reputational harm.
Don't Visit The Wikia If On Drugs.
- Stay off the wikia if under the influence of any drug.
- If on Cannabis, Meth, Ecstasy, LSD or any other illegal drug.
- No visiting if legally drunk.
- Very severe reputational harm.
No Rank Abuse.
- No banning/blocking/kicking people for no reason. This includes for fun.
- No demoting other users due to a personal dislike.
- Excuses for rank abuse will not be accepted.
- No threatening to demote/abuse.
- No banning/kicking/blocking to spite or get back at another user.
- Kicking/banning/blocking someone with these excuses: "I was testing", "We agreed on it", etc.
- Demoting someone from chat mod to no rank because you happen to dislike them.
- Banning someone from chat because they banned you validly.
- Mild cases will result in a warning. Repeated mild causes (as few as 2) can result in demotion.
- Very severe reputational harm.
- Can lead to both demotion and long block in severe cases, even permablock.
- It will take an extremely long time to get the rank back, maybe even forever.
- Excuses dig yourself deeper.
No Personal Information.
- No distributing any personal information that you accidentally discovered.
- No harassing users into handing out personal information.
- Asking someone what their age or real name is is fine, but if they don't want to tell you, don't force them.
- You accidentally stumble upon a user's Facebook and distribute it to others.
- Usually a warning for first offence.
- Possibly more severe action taken for repeated offenses.
- Reputational harm.
No Edit Wars.
- Don't revert an edit unless it is vandalism or revert valid edits.
- Don't abuse rollback or admin rights.
- More than 3 of the same revert in a day is considered an edit war.
- Reverting a difficulty change countless times because you disagree with the change.
- A warning to both contributors.
- A block if continued.
- Reputational harm.
- Demotion if rank powers are abused.
No Spamming.
- Don't make spam edits with the sole intent of increasing edit count or getting badges.
- No spamming or flooding the chat. It counts as flood if you fill the chat page.
- No making spam articles, forum threads or blog posts.
- No spamming in article or blog post comments.
- Making an article called "guwregher" and the content being "ghirehfurheuuhe".
- "THIS LEVEL SHOULD BE INSANELY HARD" on 27 separate comments.
- Making many comments, threads and chat messages that just contain "hfeuiwh".
- "Watch my video!!" posted on 71 different comments/threads.
- Adding 3 characters at a time to a page over and over again to increase badge count.
- Warning in most cases.
- Kick on chat if continued.
- Block for up to 2 weeks if continued.
- Permablock in the case of severe, offensive, continued spam.
- Mild to severe reputational harm.
Behave in Chat. (these also apply to other areas).
- No discussing topics that frequently start dramas, such as Religion, Politics, International Conflicts, Wars, Beliefs etc.
- Don't ridicule someone else for their beliefs.
- Adult topics such as Suicide, Drugs and Murder are allowed, but shouldn't be too graphic or overused.
- Absolutely no talk about sex, rape, body parts etc.
- Daring games are allowed but if someone clearly doesn't want to carry out the dare, don't harass them to.
- "Do you think there is an afterlife?"
- "There is no God!"
- "We totally owned your country in (this) war!"
- Not Allowed: "So this murderer gouged out the eyes of all its 300 victims and you could see the blood-filled sockets"
- "You actually believe that? Wake up!"
- "(this) country will SO start World War III!"
- "Screw Capitalism!"
- Usually a warning not to discuss the topics or give too much information.
- Kicks/blocks if continued.
- Permablocks if continual offensive and deliberate remarks are said in these topics. Long blocks for first time.
- Reputational harm, ranging from none to severe.
No Sockpuppet Accounts.
- No abusing multiple accounts to get around a block, chat ban, or any other punishment.
- This includes using IP addresses.
- Using a "fake" account to get on chat after being banned.
- The sockpuppet account will be permabanned instantly.
- Original punishment time extended.
- Extremely severe reputational harm.
No Hacking!
- Do not hack other users.
- Do not hack yourself ranks.
- Do not hack yourself badges.
- Do not hack yourself out of a block or ban.
- Do not hack anything that is hackable.
- We do not interfere if you hack the game.
- Hacking another user's Facebook or Wikia profile.
- Hacking to get admin.
- Hacking to get around a punishment.
- Hacking the main page or any other page.
- For any offense at all, instant permablock without warning, NO EXCEPTIONS.
No Advertising.
- No advertising any other wikias.
- Don't spam advertisements.
- No promotional content.
- No advertising of a product, entity etc.
- "Check out my wikia! -insert wikia link here-"
- Allowed: "Check out my YouTube"
- Not Allowed: "Check out my YouTube" x25.
- Warnings, followed by more severe punishment if the situation demands it.
- Reputational harm.
No Suppression.
- This is actually a form of admin abuse, but is so severe it has its own box.
- Absolutely no using admin powers to suppress other people's opinions.
- Locking pages, deleting comments, or anything of the sort, because they have a different opinion to you.
- This highly abusive action could result in a swift demotion.