Candy Crush Jelly Wiki
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Blocker is a very common element and the main obstacle in Candy Crush Jelly Saga. They prevent a player from accomplishing a level goal. They usually take up a tile (1x1 square). These objects can take on one or more of the following functions:

  • Prevent a player from accessing or using candies (i.e. liquorice locks and jelly cubes)
  • Prevent a player from clearing blockers (i.e. jelly cubes and cotton clouds)
  • Prevent candies from taking up a space unless cleared (i.e. cupcakes and fishing nets)
  • Prevent a special candy (in particular, Striped Candies) from performing their normal function (i.e. liquorice swirls, wiggling, and candyvores)
  • Cover up candies (i.e. cotton clouds)

Blockers are the main obstacles of the board, so the player has to clear them. Nearly every level has at least one type of blocker. Levels can have up to three to six types of blockers.

There are many different types of blockers, each having different properties, so a player has to deal with each one differently. Some are easier to deal with, some harder.

List of blockers[]

You can click the blocker names so that you can see their information.

Blocker Image First level Unique Properties
Liquorice Lock Liquorice Lock 2 Prevents candies from being moved or destroyed. Removed by matching 3 or more using the candy in it. Has different properties if it is on something without color.
Cupcake Cupcake5 23 Maximum of 5 layers. The one-layered version is the easiest blocker to be cleared. Cleared by matching candies next to it.
Liquorice Swirl Liquorice Swirl 41 Resistant to striped candies and colour bombs. First movable blocker.
Fishing Net Fishing Net 3 241 Release six candy fish out.
Jelly Cube Jelly cube 1 blue 321 Blocks the candy inside of it but it can be switched in the top of the candy. Maximum of 2 layers.
One-layered blue jelly cube in level 201 (unofficial)
One-layered blue jelly cube  One-layered pink jelly cube in level 321
One-layered green jelly cube in level 336
Two-layered blue jelly cube in level 361
Two-layered pink jelly cube  Two-layered green jelly cube in level 363
Wiggling Wiggling 3 601 Resistant to special candies, like candyvores and liquorice swirls. Maximum of 3 layers. Cleared by special candies.
Cotton Cloud Cotton Cloud 1 781 Contain candies and blockers inside them. Maximum of three layers.
One-layered cotton cloud in level 781
Two-layered cotton cloud in level 801
One-layered cotton cloud in level 901.
Candyvore Candyvore4-4leaf 1576 Resistant to special candies, like wiggling and liquorice swirls. Eat candy around them after 2 moves. Maximum of 4 layers. Cleared by special candies.
Liquorice Link Liquorice link 4 2246 (official)
221 (unofficial)
Maximum of 5 layers (for normal links) and 4 layers (for yellows). If one link in a chain of links is destroyed, the whole chain is destroyed with it.
Bubblegum Pop Bubblegum Pop 3 6606 Creates a 3x3 blast. Maximum of 4 layers.
Poprock Poprock 5 8446 Reduces a layer near the other poprock by regular match or special candy effect. Maximum of 6 layers.


  • In the levels with a lot of sections, if the blockers don't belong to the current section after the player completes the levels, all of them will be removed, except liquorice swirls.
  • During Sugar Crush, if special candies are in the blockers like liquorice locks, jelly cubes, cotton clouds (except wiggling), they will destroy blockers themselves.
  • Ironically, two-layered cupcake is presented in the initial layout before the one-layered cupcake. However, one-layered cupcake can be seen if a layer is removed from a two-layered cupcake.
  • One-layered jelly cube is seen at Red Velvet Valley, but two-layered jelly cube was not seen continuously until Mochi Mountain Village.
v - e
Liquorice Lock Cupcake5 Liquorice Swirl Fishing Net 3 Jelly cube 1 blue Wiggling 3 Cotton Cloud 1 Candyvore4-4leaf Liquorice link 4 Liquorice link 4 yellow Bubblegum Pop 3 Poprock 5